Monday, September 20, 2010


A while back, there was an activity at one of our extra church meetings that encouraged us to ask daily, "DID GOD SEND A MESSAGE THAT WAS JUST FOR ME? DID I SEE HIS HAND IN MY LIFE OR THE LIVES OF MY CHILDREN?" and to write down our thoughts. This was an especially difficult challenge for me. I struggle with recognizing the difference between the Spirit telling me something or me making it up in my own mind. However, I jotted down some things and here they are:

I was prompted to stop and play with my children when I had a mile-long list of things to do.

Gage said a prayer asking for help at his first soccer practice to not be nervous and not cry and to try his best – he had confidence and did great.

I prayed to know how to be the mother my children needed, and today was more joyful. I felt more patience and more love.

Paisley is starting to communicate a little better instead of the grunting/whining. She says, “hot”, points to the fridge when she’s hungry or thirsty, etc. Makes the day better. Went to TJ Maxx with three grumpy kids and was very patient and didn’t lose control even once.

While reading a post from one of my favorite blogs, she was talking about how her infertile body became pregnant again. I suddenly got chills and goosebumps that started at my head and moved down to my toes. Why? What does that mean?

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