Wednesday, September 11, 2013


I "pinned" this article on Pinterest that suggested topics to write about myself so that my children will know me better. I really like this idea. And today's topic is: Describe three legitimate fears you have and explain how they became fears. So, here goes....

I am deathly afraid of cockroaches. They are the worst, grossest, ugliest creatures on earth and I HATE them. I cannot bring myself to even kill one, though, because I just can't force myself to get close enough to one. So, I have to get help. And sometimes, Rob isn't home, which means I have to embarass myself and call a friend or a neighbor. I can't do anything else until I know it's dead. I think this came from the house that I grew up in over in Phoenix. In the summertime, the cockroaches were EVERYWHERE and they even had WINGS!!! Talk about freaking gross!! I have vivid memories of waking up in the night to go to the bathroom, reaching around the wall to turn on the lightswitch and having a GIANT COCKROACH crawl across my hand. Other times I would go to my closet to get dressed, put something on and a roach would crawl down my back. But the worst was when I would come home at night, coming through the front entry to the front door can be best described as playing laser tag. The roaches with wings would be flying in all directions and it was nearly impossible to avoid contact. Just thinking of it gives me chills. I've been very blessed in this house as I've never seen a cockroach in 8 years!!!! But, what I've lacked in roaches, the birds have made up for....

I am just about equally afraid of birds. I really, really hate birds. Like, a lot. And, boy, do we have a lot of birds here. Our backyard has a lot of mature trees that are the perfect haven for birds. They start chirping, squawking, and screaming at 4:30 in the morning. EVERY.MORNING. If I believed in curses, I would swear that someone cursed me with birds because they seem to follow and torture me everywhere I go. AND in my own home. Nearly every time Rob leaves town, a bird gets in the house. I flip out and nearly have a breakdown. Once again, I have to call on someone to come and get the bird out. Another example is one day I was driving on the 202 Freeway and I saw up ahead in the distance this extremely large bird in the sky. As I got closer to it, I noticed it was a hawk carrying a small animal in its talons. I was in awe of this. As I got even closer, I noticed the hawk was struggling with carrying this animal and flying and as I approached it was flying lower and lower and lower until......BAM!!! It got so low that I almost hit the stinkin' bird and it DID drop the small animal right onto MY windshield!! Of all the cars on the freeway, it was MINE that the stupid bird almost flew right into. I have SOOOO many examples but I can't even stand to talk about them. I've decided, however, that there is something birds are good for. They eat bugs and scorpions so maybe, just maybe, they are the reason why we don't have cockroaches. And for that I am grateful.

Like many mothers I worry over my children. I worry that something will happen to them. But I don't obsess over it - it's just always in the back of my mind.

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