Friday, March 27, 2009


I was feeling a bit down this week and haven't done too good a job of keeping up the house. Toys were strewn about, trash piling up, dishes in the sink AND on the counters, laundry mounds growing and the worse the house looked, the worse I felt. For some reason, I just couldn't bring myself to doing anything about it until last night. I made a small attempt by picking up a few toys and putting away some laundry. This morning I got the kids dressed, fed and out the door for my daily torture at bootcamp. In the car, I was dreading the cleaning I knew I'd finally have to face when we got home.

We walked in the door and I could tell immediately that a magic fairy had visited and cleaned the WHOLE house. The washer and dryer were running, counters sparkling, carpet with vacuum lines, and beds made. That magic fairy was my sweet husband who could see I needed a little hop in my step.

To my hubby: Thank you, thank you, thank you. You have no idea what a gift that was.


  1. How sweet! A clean house is such a wonderful gift. Maybe the next step is to give the "gift" of a full-time maid! :)

  2. I go through those same feelings about cleaning. Sometimes I can be on top of it for weeks and then other times it gets beyond me. You are so lucky to have Rob a great helper.

  3. I was pretty impressed with Rob's cleaing skills when you guys visited. My sink hasn't looked as shiny since you left:) Hope things are going well with you guys and miss you.

  4. Way to go, Rob. We've seen you clean the house before. Thanks for always being so thoughtful.

  5. I know what you mean about getting into a slump. Sometimes certain days can be so overwhelming and exhausting-where do you even start?! You deserve someone who gets that. What a blessing you have in Rob!
